Can You Take A Multivitamin With A Probiotic?
  /   Dr. John Snow

Can You Take A Multivitamin With A Probiotic?

Did you know that studies estimate that between 500 and 1000 bacterial species exist in the human body at any given time? The gut microbiome is home to trillions of bacteria, making up a complex and fantastic ecosystem that plays a crucial role in digestion, gut health, and overall health. 

Probiotics in fermented foods and supplements can help support gut health. But can you take probiotics with multivitamins? Should your child take probiotics and vitamins at the same time? The answer is yes: it is generally safe for children to take multivitamins and probiotics simultaneously.

Understanding Gut Health

Your child’s tummy is a complex system teeming with bacteria, good and bad. A healthy gut with a good balance of bacteria is important for optimal nutrient absorption. These bacteria help to break down complex food molecules and create an environment that allows the body to absorb various nutrients

Think of the small intestine as an absorption powerhouse. It’s the primary site for nutrient absorption, allowing the body to operate at peak performance. The small intestine is a massive organ with an average size of 9-16 feet long in adults. Its main jobs are to break down food, absorb nutrients, and get rid of any unnecessary components.

Infections, inflammation, and prolonged antibiotic use can all disrupt the gut microbiome, which may impact nutrient absorption. If your child has absorption issues, getting all the nutrients from foods is tough despite following a healthy diet. In essence, gut health imbalances can affect nutrient absorption. 

Here’s why gut health is vital for children: 

  • Immune System: Some studies suggest that probiotics help support the immune system and may even reduce the frequency of some infections and antibiotic use in children. 
  • Nutrient Absorption: Good gut health plays a role in digestion, breaking down food, and absorbing essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals from the diet. Some research suggests that specific probiotic strains may enhance the absorption of particular nutrients. 
  • Digestion: A balanced gut microbiome promotes regular and comfortable digestion, helping to prevent constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.
  • Mental Health: Emerging research suggests a link between gut health and mental health. A healthy gut may contribute to better mood, reduced anxiety, and improved cognitive function. 

So, we know that gut health is important for our little ones, but can probiotics actually help? Probiotics are like tiny allies within the digestive system. They support the good bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance in the microbiome and are key players in overall gut health. While probiotics are not a magic solution to every gut issue, they are a piece of the puzzle, supporting gut health and optimal nutrient absorption.

Probiotics: Their Benefits

Establishing a healthy gut microbiome early in life helps set kids up for long-term health. Some research suggests that the first 1,000 days of a child’s life are crucial for gut microbiome development. The gut undergoes some major changes during this time due to shifts in diet and environment. 

Encouraging a diet with probiotic-rich foods is excellent for introducing probiotics, but probiotic supplements can help fill the gaps for picky eaters. 

When it comes to probiotic supplements, there are different strains and dosages to be aware of. Understanding the different strains and their potential health benefits can help you make a more informed choice to support your child’s gut health and well-being. There are three main categories of probiotics you will typically come across:

  1. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
  2. Soil-based (Bacillus species)
  3. Fungal (Saccharomyces boulardii)

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most commonly studied and used probiotic strains. They are naturally found in yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and some sauerkraut. These strains are regularly added to fermented milk and dairy products, with yogurt being the most popular probiotic product. Despite evidence of the protective effects of these probiotics against disease, the exact mechanism at work isn’t clear. 

Soil-based probiotics (Bacillus species) are spores of bacteria found in soil and some fermented foods. Research suggests these strains have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and vitamin-production properties. 

While research is ongoing, they are being studied for their potential benefits in:

Fungal probiotics (Saccharomyces boulardii) are a type of yeast that is not a bacterium but may offer some probiotic benefits. It's found naturally in some fruits and can be taken as a supplement. S. boulardii is being studied for its potential role in supporting gut health during antibiotic use.

In general, probiotics help to promote a healthy gut microbiome, supporting digestion, immune function, nutrient absorption, and overall health. 

Probiotics can help replenish healthy gut bacteria, promoting gut health and general well-being. The field of gut health research is rapidly evolving, and probiotics are becoming increasingly recognized for their role in gut health. 

Pairing Multivitamins and Probiotics

Should you be concerned about giving your kids probiotics with a multivitamin? And is it okay to take them at the same time?

Generally speaking, it is perfectly safe to take probiotics and multivitamins together. Probiotics work on gut health and introduce live bacteria that may otherwise be hard to get through diet alone. Multivitamins provide essential nutrients for your little one, so even the pickiest of eaters can tick off key nutrients. 

Pairing multivitamins and probiotics and taking their supplements at the same time can help encourage consistency. Our daily multivitamin and probiotic are designed to coexist and support each other. We isolate probiotic strains in a unique formula separate from our multivitamin, as probiotics are live cultures that are easily destroyed, especially by other actives like vitamins and minerals. 

In general, probiotics and vitamins can be a safe and potentially beneficial combination for children's health. However, talking to your pediatrician and choosing high-quality supplements are essential for optimal results.


When taking probiotics and multivitamins together, timing is a consideration. The best time of day for a child to take a probiotic or multivitamin can depend on a few factors, but generally, we suggest your child take one of our multivitamins and probiotics with a meal (breakfast or dinner). But they can take both with or without food. 

Many parents give their kids supplements in the morning, as they can become part of the morning routine, helping them stay consistent. Ultimately, the best time depends on your child and the specific vitamin or supplement you choose. Talking to your pediatrician is important for assessing your child’s needs and finding the best time and dosage for their routine. 

If you’re considering a multivitamin and probiotic for your child, here are some essential questions to ask yourself and your pediatrician: 

  • What probiotic strain is best for my child? Different probiotic strains may offer different benefits. 
  • What type of multivitamin is best? Choose a high-quality vitamin with a child-specific formula and look for third-party testing and complete ingredient transparency. 
  • What probiotic and multivitamin dosage is appropriate? Follow the recommended dosage on the label or as your child’s doctor directs.
  • Is your child taking any medications? Some medications may interact with supplements. 
  • Are there underlying health conditions? It’s important to speak with your doctor before starting a new supplement. 

Absorption Effectiveness

Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin and Kids Daily Probiotic have been designed to complement one another and be taken together.

While our probiotics pair well with our multivitamin for kids, they do not replace a healthy and balanced diet. Real and natural whole foods should always be the primary source of nutrients for your little one. If your child constantly avoids certain food groups like veggies, probiotic-rich yogurt, or kimchi, a multivitamin and probiotic can ensure your child still gets all the good stuff they need to grow, develop, and thrive. Along with encouraging your child to explore new foods, have fun at meal times, and find exciting recipes the whole family can enjoy, a multivitamin and probiotic can help fill in any nutritional gaps. 


Current understanding of the human microbiome | NIH 

Role of the gut microbiota in health and chronic gastrointestinal disease: understanding a hidden metabolic organ | NIH

Macronutrient metabolism by the human gut microbiome: major fermentation by-products and their impact on host health | Microbiome Journal 

Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Small Intestine | NIH 

The Gut Microbiota and Inflammation: An Overview | NIH 

Antibiotics as Major Disruptors of Gut Microbiota | Frontiers

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG supplementation for preventing respiratory infections in children: a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials | NIH 

Effect of probiotics on the occurrence of nutrition absorption capacities in healthy children: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled pilot study | NIH 

The Role of Gut Microbiota in Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Disorders as Well as the Protective Effects of Dietary Components | NIH 

Probiotics Regulate Gut Microbiota: An Effective Method to Improve Immunity | NIH 

Development of Gut Microbiota in the First 1000 Days after Birth and Potential Interventions | NIH 

Evaluation of Probiotic Survivability in Yogurt Exposed To Cold Chain Interruption | NIH 

Comparison of probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria effects, immune responses and rotavirus vaccines and infection in different host species | NIH 

Can prebiotics and probiotics improve therapeutic outcomes for undernourished individuals? | NIH 

Bacillus strains as human probiotics: characterization, safety, microbiome, and probiotic carrier | NIH 

Probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis CU1 stimulates immune system of elderly during common infectious disease period: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study | NIH

Bacillus Subtilis (BG01-4TM) Improves Self-Reported Symptoms for Constipation, Indigestion, and Dyspepsia: A Phase 1/2A Randomized Controlled Trial | NIH  

Probiotics | NIH 

Effect of probiotics on the occurrence of nutrition absorption capacities in healthy children: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled pilot study | ReserachGate

Probiotic Supplementation and Micronutrient Status in Healthy Subjects: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials | NIH 

Recent Development of Probiotic Bifidobacteria for Treating Human Diseases | NIH